“MRTI is proud to work collaboratively with AchieveMpls in order to continue addressing the most pressing needs of Minneapolis Public Schools. Their professional staff will be happy to work with you as you extend your commitment to our students. Contact Julia O’Brien, Director of Advancement at 612.455.1552 to donate. To volunteer, contact Ann Fosco, Volunteer Manager, at 612-455-1570 or visit www.achievempls.org to learn more about the programs and resources offered by AchieveMpls.” 
This non-profit organization, with a membership of over 1200 Minneapolis retired educators was created to serve educational and charitable purposes. It was founded in 1926 with Florence Parks as its first president. In 1936 it was incorporated under its present title -- Minneapolis Retired Teachers, Inc. (MRTI). This active organization continues to enjoy providing service to its members and the educational community. 

Membership Benefits
Each year all retired teachers are invited to join or renew their membership in MRTI. The nominal annual membership fee provides members with a Membership Directory, monthly programs and outstanding Newsletters containing timely and pertinent information. 

Members who are ill or homebound are remembered with cards. Memorials are given to honor deceased past and present members. 

MRTI provides advocacy for issues of interest to our members such as pensions, transportation, health insurance etc. 

Regular membership meetings are held on the third Tuesday of the month. We meet at the Eagles Club #34, on the corner of 25th St. at E. 25th Ave.  2507 E 25th Street, Minneapolis, MN 55406
There is socializing prior to the 11:45 business meeting. Lunch is served at noon followed by a program. 
A special event is held in June in lieu of a formal luncheon meeting. No meetings are held in July or August. 
Costs for luncheons and special events are set annually by the Board of Directors and published in the Newsletter. 

Plenty of free parking

Special MRTI events 
- Newly retired teachers are honored guests at the Welcome Luncheon in September. 
- MRTI members display creative items for sale at the October Arts and Crafts Fair. 
- The December Holiday Luncheon highlights fine food and special music from skilled soloists to marvelous big bands. 
- Special Events brighten June: Chanhassen Dinner theatre, Red Wing tour, Train & boat rides are examples of previous activities. 

Leadership of MRTI 
MRTI decisions and directions are arrived at democratically through its Board of Directors. The Board consists of elected members and an appointed treasurer. In addition, the Newsletter Editor and Membership Chair serve on the Board as ex officio members. 


Recently Passed Retirees

Who We Are


Programs 2022-2023


C-13 News

Board of Directors

TRA Newsletters

Meeting Location

In Memoriam 2022

In Memoriam 2023


MRTI Scholarships
--How to Apply

Limited Medical Assistance

Political News for Retirees

Contact MRTI





Minneapolis Retired Teachers