Membership is available to the following two classes of persons:
A. Full membership for all licensed teachers and administrators who are (1) retired
and (2)
have taught in the public schools of the city of Minneapolis.
B. Honorary life membership, without any requirement for payment of
membership dues, to all licensed teachers and administrators who are (1) retired
and (2)
have taught in the public schools of the city of Minneapolis and (3)
have held membership in MRTI and (4) have attained the age of 85.
Dues as set by the Board of Directors shall be paid annually.
Membership year is January - December
Make checks or money orders payable to MRTI. Dues are $25.00
If you do not receive a membership form and mailing envelope,
send to:
P.O. BOX 24034
Minneapolis, MN 55424-0034
Website address is